The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.
~John E. Southward
"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that is present... we experience heaven on earth."
~ Sarah Breathnach
"I don't think you ever stop giving. I really don't. I think it's an on-going process. And it's not just about being able to write a check. It's being able to touch somebody's life.
If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get.
~Frank A. Clark
The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it.
Michael Josephson
"To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you.
" Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude."
"The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become."
— Robert Holden
People who keep a gratitude journal, who each night before going to sleep write at least five things for which they are grateful, big things or little things, are happier, more optimistic, more successful, more likely to achieve their goals, physically healthier; it actually strengthens our immune system, and are more generous and benevolent toward others.
One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind.
~Malayan Proverb
Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received.
Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."
Appreciation is the purest vibration that exists on the planet today.